Day twenty-three and we left the Lofoten Islands and started the final push North. Today and tomorrow are going to be long driving days to get us to Nordkapp so the blog is going to be quite short today.
As we got back on the mainland we joined the E6 again, the Arctic Highway passing a variety of scenery from bare mountains, huge lakes to acres of forest. We also passed a few roadworks today, a couple were for the construction of new tunnels and others just for re-surfacing. At one point they were cutting back the trees blocking one lane and a part of the opposite lane but there was no traffic control, basically you made a dash for it when you felt you could squeeze through and there was no traffic coming. The number of miles driven doesn’t equate to what you think the number of hours on the road should be. To do 291 miles we drove pretty much non stop all day. There are two reasons we are not covering the miles as quickly as you might think. Firstly, even though the majority of today was driven on major routes you are still twisting and turning a lot due to the landscape you are driving through. Secondly, Norway has quite low speed limits and everyone pretty much sticks to them. If there are any houses bordering the road it usually drops to 60k/h and this covers long stretches of the road. In towns it is 40 or 50k/h. At other times it is usually 70k/h and they do have a large number of speed cameras which we have been warned do not have much tolerance. The speed limits are good news for us as we are able to take in everything we are passing, you just need to look at the expected time to complete a journey rather than the number of miles when doing any route planning.
Tonight we are tucked away on a part of the old road just down from a parking area on the E6 trying to keep out of the wind. Fingers crossed tomorrow I will be writing from Nordkapp.
Overnight – N 69.802893 E 21.138193
Miles Walked – 3.8
Miles Driven – 291
Weather – cloudy with sunny spells and dry
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