Day four, we left the stopover at Doggerbanke, I am pleased to say it was a quiet night. We found a parking spot about half way up the beach and had a lovely walk. It was great quiet beach. We met a few other dog walkers and passed a couple of people braving the water for a swim. They were swimming Danish style i.e naked – not very British at all. We took a wide birth with Finn. We didn’t want him stealing clothes or jumping up where he wasn’t welcome.
Next, to the ferry and a great crossing to Norway. We sailed with Colourline and it cost about £300 for 2 adults, a dog and a 6m campervan. The ferry was so clean and also very quiet so loads of space, I am pleased I didn’t pay to reserve a seat now. The journey was about 3 hours and dogs remain in your vehicle during the crossing. We pulled down all the blinds and settled Finn in his bed. As we left the ferry they didn’t check Finn or his passport at all. As it was we didn’t need to bother with the vet in the UK.
We left Kristiansand and drove about 30 miles along the coast to our fantastic free camping spot for the night, as seen in the photo above. So far we are loving the scenery and we have only been here a few hours. Finn has had lots of fun in the water and has already taken himself to bed. Hopefully he hasn’t peaked too early.
Overnight – Stegganskogen N 58.053130 E 7.271030
Miles Walked – 4.4
Miles Driven – 38
Weather – Sunny and warm