Day twenty-one and winter has arrived today. It rained most of the night and the wind turned very blustery. I felt sorry for the people in the tents on the beach. Andy kindly did the morning dog walk in full waterproof gear along a windswept beach. The camper is rocking in the wind and rain so it was not a very exciting day today. We travelled a few miles down the coast but with the water streaming over the road in places and the wind pulling the van about we decided to sit it out a bit in the village of A (yes the village really is called A) as the forecast said the weather should improve in the afternoon. I downloaded all our photos off both phones and got caught up on writing the blog as the internet is not too bad here despite the weather.
The rain did ease off a bit so we headed round the coast up to an area that we had read about as being a great overnight spot with lovely walks. Unfortunately for us the weather came in again with a vengeance, sidewards rain and more strong winds so we didn’t really get any appreciation of the surroundings. Finn was kept amused as we are surrounded by sheep so he is on high alert every time they wander by. Above us is a World War Two German Radar Emplacement that we will have a walk around in the morning when.
Only one thing for it, batten down the hatches, make a couple of phone calls home and watch a another episode of Man in the High Castle.
Overnight – Eggum N 68.30897 E 13.66866
Miles Walked – 4 (all by Andy in the rain)
Miles Driven – 99
Weather – cold, very windy and wet all day and evening
And I thought you called because you missed us 😬
Missing you lots of course – wish you were here 🍹🍰