Adventures in our van

Europe’s real northernmost point

Day twenty-five and we did it, we walked to Knivskjelodden continental Europe’s real northernmost point. As you have probably gathered there is quite a bit of debate over the most northern point. My view is it is Nordkapp if you want to drive or use public transport, and you do not mind paying for the privilege (or arrive late and out of season like us). If on the other hand you want to avoid the tat (it does say that in the guidebook) you can hike 13.6 miles and end up at Knivskjelodden which is 1467m further northwards. The hike is not supposed to be too difficult but I won’t lie I thought it was tough going. It was mainly over rocks with no defined path a lot of the time, so you had to really watch your footing. To navigate you walked from cairn to cairn. I think what really made it hard going was the wind. It was a very chilly strong head wind all the way for the return journey, which of course was mainly uphill. When you reach the end there is a book inside a metal cabinet which you can sign to say you made it. We signed the book and had a small drink to celebrate getting there. If you wish you can take a reference number and get a certificate from a hotel in the nearest village.

We only met three people doing the walk that day, although one of them was a 70yr old retired Norweigian dentist who put us to shame with his level of fitness. They certainly build them hardy in Norway. We are all quite tired tonight. Even Finn is quiet after his longest walk ever!

Just to add another angle into the debate both Nordkapp and Knivskjelodden are technically on an island and you go through a tunnel to reach it so there is another contender for mainland Europe’s northernmost point which is Kinnarodden.

All this talk of the north got us thinking about the south. We looked it up, good old Google, and apparently the most southern point of continental Europe is Punta de Tarifa in Spain. It is only 14km from Africa so maybe we need to add that to a trip in the future.

Tonight we are tucked away in what looks like an old quarry trying to keep out of the wind with the heater well and truly on.

What a difference a couple of weeks make! The photo below was taken in Bergen on 15th September.

Overnight – N 70.82863. E 25.776255

Miles Walked – 13.6 (129 floors – more than Pulpits Rock!)

Miles Driven – 51

Weather – cloudy with sunny spells and a morning shower

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